I’m a young adult fantasy author whose books focus on the search for identity and the changing nature of relationships throughout adolescence. I write books for teens to help them cope with the pressures of expectation, failure, and develop a healthy sense of self-worth based on self-awareness and acceptance rather than external achievement.
I currently reside in the San Francisco Bay Area and have been working full-time in the interactive entertainment industry since 2005. I was first introduced to the art of storytelling in 2008 at Lucasfilm Ltd. where I enrolled in art, photography, and design classes and attended panel discussions with directors including James Cameron, Guillermo Del Torro, Michael Bay, and Gore Verbinski. In 2013 I began working at PlayStation and began teaching myself the craft of storytelling.
Inspired by the ‘Game of Thrones‘ TV series, I began imaging what would happen if a protagonist as interesting and powerful as Daenerys Targaryen was taken out of a medieval European context and dropped into a fantasy storyworld like the wizarding world of Harry Potter. The idea was so rich in possibilities that I started to combine elements from other fantasy series including ‘The Hunger Games‘ and ‘How to Train Your Dragon‘.
In 2016 I began outlining ‘Saberwing’, my young adult epic fantasy series, and in 2021 began working with freelance editor KHM Editing to bring the first book to life.
I am preparing to query literary agents for representation, so if you are interested or have any recommendations I would be happy to hear from you!